Meet the team

Get to know Impact Hub Phnom Penh’s powerhouse team! We bring our skills in entrepreneurship, facilitation, communications, and finance to make the world a better place.

Melanie Mossard Headshot
Melanie Mossard Headshot
Keo Thiny - Headshot
Keo Thiny - Headshot
Kosoma Kim - Headshot
Kosoma Kim - Headshot
Tithamatak Chhim - Headshot
Tithamatak Chhim - Headshot
Vandara Sin - Headshot
Vandara Sin - Headshot
Headshot of Nara Sokhema
Headshot of Nara Sokhema
Bank Vath - Headshot
Bank Vath - Headshot
Pichmony - Headshot
Pichmony - Headshot
Lyhour Heang - Headshot
Lyhour Heang - Headshot
Maradony - Headshot
Maradony - Headshot
Teng - Headshot
Teng - Headshot
Pen Uddam - Headshot
Pen Uddam - Headshot
Chermeng - Headshot
Chermeng - Headshot
Anh Nguyen - Headshot
Anh Nguyen - Headshot
Huyly Hour - Headshot
Huyly Hour - Headshot
Hul Hunsopheary - Headshot
Hul Hunsopheary - Headshot
Annika - Headshot
Annika - Headshot
Yuthmaryna - Headshot
Yuthmaryna - Headshot
Somavatey - Headshot
Somavatey - Headshot
Rithysochen - Headshot
Rithysochen - Headshot
Kuntheavotey - Headshot
Kuntheavotey - Headshot
Headshot of Sok Eim Chhim
Headshot of Sok Eim Chhim

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