Hellooooo!!! This is Tey! I am a communications officer at Impact Hub Phnom Penh, where I am together with a dynamic and vibrant team, working to nurture impact makers with the vision of contributing to a more sustainable, just, and innovative Cambodia. πŸš€ My mission is to utilize creative communication to showcase the efforts and amazing works of my team and the changemakers we support to the public. My passion has always been in communication in the social impact sector. My inner curious voice keeps pushing me to learn and explore this field, and there is no better place than at Impact Hub Phnom Penh!

  • My greatest source of energy comes from constantly exploring, learning, and facing new challenges in communication-related aspects
  • I love expanding my skills in written communication and storytelling
  • To bring out all my best in the work I am doing is what makes my day shine 🫢🏻

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