Greetings! πŸ‘‹ I’m Chermeng, and I’m navigating the world of entrepreneurship at Impact Hub Phnom Penh with a sustainability twist. My mission? To nurture Cambodia’s eco-friendly landscape and create impactful opportunities for those who stand to benefit most. Our programs are designed to grow businesses while fostering personal growth and self-awareness of those we’re working with.

I earned my B.A. in Political Science during the pandemic (a unique experience, for sure!). Since then, I’ve been diving head first into various sustainability realms like renewable energy, climate-resilient agriculture, and agritech. I’m also fascinated by human psychology and meaningful collaboration to solve some of the world’s pressing issues.

  • Discovering new templates and exciting tools to spice up my daily work and maximize efficiency
  • Making myself useful to others in various ways brings me fulfillment and purpose
  • Three of my de-stress methods for you to try today: building blocks, swimming, and Pump It Up

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