Our approach

We inspire, connect, and enable impact makers to foster a more inclusive and sustainable Cambodia.

Two Cambodian entrepreneurs look at a small package together while sitting on the floor.

Nurturing Impact Makers

We kickstart and grow impactful solutions.

We specialize in designing and delivering hands-on programs. By equipping impact makers with the right skills, knowledge, networks, support, and resources, we help them develop and scale their ideas.

We inspire impact-driven careers, ventures, and ideas.

By raising awareness on social and environmental issues and offering easily accessible training & content, we’re mobilizing a generation of impact makers in Cambodia.

A zoomed in photo of two people smiling and looking into the distance, presumably at others sitting with them in the circle.

Strengthening Cambodia’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

We drive forward innovation for social progress.

As one of the first players in Cambodia’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, we have tested new insights, programs, and ideas to mainstream a culture of innovation in Cambodia.

We help build a vibrant, supportive ecosystem.

We advocate for best practices and policies that support local entrepreneurship. Whether developing university curricula, training mentors, or engaging in policy dialogues, we build partnerships that strengthen our collective capacity to make change.

Impact requires collective action.

Collaboration and connection is in our DNA. We work with…

Entrepreneurs and creators

that are turning problems into solutions that benefit communities and our environment.


across civil society and the private sector who want to support impact-driven innovations.


who are inspiring and upskilling the changemakers of tomorrow.


who are enabling progress and policies for a more sustainable and inclusive Cambodia.

Youth leaders

who want to make a difference, starting by mobilizing their own voices, actions, and communities.

Our Focus Areas

Climate action & biodiversity conservation (សកម្មភាពបរិស្ថាន និងការអភិរក្សជីវចម្រុះ) - បរិស្ថានយើង
Food system and agriculture (ប្រព័ន្ធចំនីអាហារ និងកសិកម្ម)-កសិកម្មឥឡូវ
Healthcare and well-being (សុខភាព និងសុខុមាលភាព) -ថែខ្លួនថែប្រាណ
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (ភាពចម្រុះ សមធម៌ និងបរិយាបន្ន) - បើកចិត្ត
Media and communications ( ប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយ និងទំនាក់ទំនង) -ប្រសព្វជុំផ្សាយ
Thriving communities​ (សហគមន៍រីកចម្រើន) - ស្រុកភូមិរីករាយ
Youth Leadership (យុវជន និងភាពជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ និង)​ - ចេះរៀន ចេះរស់

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