A training program for media creators to strengthen their podcasting skills and develop, produce and distribute their own podcast series


creative teams


podcast episodes

Innovation and experimentation in podcasting

Podcasting in Cambodia is still in its infancy, although rapidly growing in popularity. Impact Hub Phnom Penh, through our media4impact initiative, partnered with the international media development center DW Akademie to bring their podcast training curriculum to Cambodia in 2022.


In collaboration with DW Akademie, we supported five content creators to expand their skills to become a pioneer in the emerging podcasting landscape in Cambodia. Over the course of the six-week program, participants dove into the details of podcast development with international and Cambodian trainers. They then received ongoing coaching as they produced their own podcast series. Many of the content creators we supported continued to produce their podcasts and grow their audience long after the close of the program.

What our content creators gained from the program

Practical learning

“The training is very comprehensive, detailed, step by step. We can learn how to do it and new applications are introduced to us. It’s great for us to adopt the skills as we go and then we can also provide training to others later.”

Exposure to a new medium

“I’m learning how to introduce a new way of activism [through podcasts]. For example how to speak about sensitive topics and invite guests to speak without disclosing their information.”

Structure and support

“I always have a dream of having a podcast and being a content creator, but I just never had time to take that step. But here, it’s like here you go, take your shot at making podcasts.”

“If I meet someone in the elevator and have to speak about this project, I have just 2 words: Join now. I fall in love in my first day.”

Participant in the PodcasTraining in Cambodia

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