Supporting inspiring initiatives from Cambodia that promote diversity, inclusion, and empowerment of rightsholder groups


diverse teams of changemakers across two cohorts


rightsholder groups

Championing diverse changemakers

NOW-Us! Awards is an international program celebrating inclusive initiatives fostering diversity, inclusion, and empowerment. We brought the NOW-Us! Awards to Phnom Penh for the first time in 2021 (and again in 2022). Across two cohorts of the program, we identified a total of 20 teams representing five rightsholder groups: women facing exploitation, abuse, and/or violence; people with disabilities; LGBTQI+ people; Indigenous Peoples, and vulnerable elderly and youth.


The teams built their skills in advocacy, project management, and design thinking through a bootcamp and coaching from our “rightsholder ambassadors” and expert mentors. They pitched their initiatives at a public awards ceremony, and seven teams across the two cohorts were selected to receive a combined 115,000 euros to implement their initiatives. They also received ongoing coaching and mentoring to support their impact within their communities.

Two young Cambodians stand in front of a house decorated with rainbow pride flags

“To be honest with you, I never expect us to go this big. I work in many different jobs to fund this organization because I want to help other people with disabilities like me. I never expect to get any acknowledgment or anything. But because of this fund from NOW-US! we managed to do so many things, even receiving a letter of support from local authorities. It means so much as it shows support from the local authorities but also validates our hard work these years.”

Participant, NOW-US! Awards Season 1

Meet the inspiring changemakers

Group of youth Ice-breaking activities

Fostering an intersectional approach

Each team in the NOW-Us! program was selected for their advocacy for a specific rightsholder group. Excitingly, the program also helped foster new collaborations between teams and issues. We saw teams learn from each other, gain a deeper understanding of intersectionality, and even collaborate.


For example, SafeSpaceBTB of NOW-US! Season 1 reached out to us to meet Cambodia Sign Language for All of Season 2. SafeSpaceBTB included sign language interpretation in the video they produced on LGBTQI+ rights. In Kampong Thom, Season 2’s Phum Asia hosted an event that featured one of their team members speaking about the rights of LGBTQI+ individuals within Indigenous communities.

There's more!

As part of the NOW-US! Awards in Cambodia, we also launched a campaign that included a viral music video and two creative festivals focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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