A creative media and public engagement effort to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion in Cambodia

400 +

attendees at our Berk Chet festivals

115 k+

views of our music video

Engaging the public for a more inclusive Cambodia

We proudly implemented the NOW-Us! Awards in Cambodia in 2021 and 2022 — a program that empowers rightsholder groups through training, mentoring, and funding opportunities for projects that work to improve inclusion in Cambodia.


Beyond our direct support to local changemakers through Season 1 and Season 2 of NOW-Us! Awards, we used a variety of creative media and public engagement approaches to amplify the program’s messages of diversity and inclusion. We reached hundreds of people through our in-person festivals and reached thousands more through creative digital media!

KESORRR had perform a inclusive song of Me, You and Us at Berk Chet Festival 2023

Music Video

We co-created a music video with the famous Cambodian singer KESORRR and our “rightsholder ambassadors” about inclusivity and diversity. The music video has 130,000 views and counting on YouTube. Not only that, but KESORRR performed the song at the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games opening ceremony in 2023: bringing our message of inclusion, performed by a diverse group of singers and dancers, to 75,000 people at the Morodok Techo National Stadium (and countless more watching from around the world!).


Listen to the song here and find the sign language version here. To our knowledge, this is the first commercial music video in Cambodia to be produced in sign language!

Podcast Series

The NOW-Us! podcast series is as a platform to amplify our winners’ voices and advocacy work. Through a total of 16 episodes over 2 seasons, we recorded inspiring conversations with our NOW-Us! teams and “rightsholder ambassadors” on topics such as gender, age, LGBTQI+ inclusion, and more.


Check out the podcast episodes here.

Drag Queen performance at Berk Chet Festival Phnom Penh

Berk Chet Festival

We organized two creative festival events, called បើកចិត្ត-Berk Chet” (meaning open heart), to spotlight our teams’ impactful work and invite the public to engage in the NOW-Us! mission. Over 500 people attended the events in Battambang and Phnom Penh. The festivals featured interactive workshops such as learning sign language & creating art related to mental health. We featured inspiring changemakers through booths and art displays. And we closed out the events with performances from advocates for inclusion and anti-discrimination KESORRR and Vis.


Learn more through stories in local media outlets Phnom Penh Post and Kiripost.


Young females youth holding Kon chet's pin from Berk Chet Festival at BTB
Sign language teaching session at Berk Chet Festival in Bamtambong
Group of delegates and Art of Mental Health team at Berk Chet Festival in Phnom Penh
Fashion show at Berk Chet in Phnom Penh

Get Inspired

We also produced mini-documentaries about a few of our NOW-Us! Awards winners. These videos take us behind-the-scenes with inspiring advocates for diversity and inclusion in Cambodia.

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