An ASEAN-wide competition to fight plastic pollution in coastal cities by helping innovative solutions scale up


innovative startup ventures

$ 35970

in funding awarded to top teams

Innovations for a Plastic Free Future in Southeast Asia

Plastic pollution is a growing problem in Cambodia’s coastal areas. Impact Hub Phnom Penh was proud to take on the issue headfirst as the implementing partner in Cambodia of Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC), a competition to fight plastic pollution in coastal Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Lao PDR, and Cambodia.


8 innovative startup ventures were competitively selected for the 3-month incubation program. These innovative businesses ranged from advancing upcycling/recycling, alternative plastic solutions, and technology-driven pollution management. Through the incubation program, the teams deepened their understanding of local and regional plastic pollution issues and strengthened their business skills. Finally, two teams were selected at a public pitch event for the 9-month accelerator phase — receiving $18,000 in funding, masterclasses, and ongoing mentorship.

5 participants of the Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge jump on a beach in Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Our Approach

Competitive Selection

Our 8 ventures were selected through a rigorous process focusing on the startups’ unique solution to tackle plastic pollution and potential for lasting impact in Cambodia’s coastal areas.

Intensive Bootcamp

A two-day bootcamp provided hands-on skill-building workshops to help the startups refine their business models, identify their strengths and challenges, and chart their growth strategies.

Insights from the Field

Through a field trip in Sihanoukville, teams gained real-world insights into the complexity of the area’s plastic problem, engaged with local actors, and tested the viability of their solutions in a real-world context.

Ongoing Learning

Through mentorship, peer-to-peer learning, and structured sessions, participants grew their knowledge of plastic and sustainability issues and strengthened skills in business.

Dynamic Pitch Event

At the end of the incubator phase, all 8 teams showcased their solutions and ambition to the general public and a panel of judges.

Accelerating Top Solutions

Two teams were selected at the pitch event to move to the accelerator phase: a 9-month learning and strategic growth experience supported by mentoring and seed funding.


of participants reported increasing their skills and knowledge in plastic issues, business models, customer personas, impact measurement, strategic road mapping, and other key learning outcomes after the incubation program

Meet the inspiring changemakers

“Thanks to all the mentors, trainers, and guest speakers who have shared with us all the valuable experiences about various knowledge ranging from plastic issues to overall business concepts. We are happy to be able to form our business ideas from scratch into a good pitch. We are able to define a clear business idea for our team, the target market, the business road maps, and a clearer plan on what we should do next regarding our business.”

Participant in the Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC)


An uncle holding a plastic bottle explaining to our participant how the factory can recycle it
Group of participants of Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC) do field visit at Plastic Recycle
A group photo of participants in Impact Hub Phnom Penh's EPPIC program on plastic pollution, taken at TONTOTON's facilities in Sihanoukville
Tone of plastic waiting to be recycle

Learn more about EPPIC

Our program was part of the larger regional Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC) initiative. The project, led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, brings together citizens, local governments, and the private sector to identify pressing issues and collaborate in implementing effective solution, in Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia and Lao PDR.

A male with glasses explain the idea mapping

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