Hi, I’m Sochen! I am passionate about youth and young women’s empowerment. I feel so energized in my professional journey as I get to engage and support youth. At Impact Hub Phnom Penh, I work on a variety of entrepreneurship and youth leadership programs. I provide daily support to our activities, creating spaces, networks, and opportunities for youth to learn and connect. It builds upon my past experience working with youth to develop their leadership and community project implementation skills.


I’ve been loving exploring new approaches to empowering youth and young women, inside and outside of work, such as volunteering, mentoring, facilitation, and advocacy.

  • Leveraging my empathetic nature and communication skills to drive positive social change. I’m eager to empower marginalized communities through collaborative initiatives and innovative solutions.
  • I’m always over the moon to see youth discover their passion and live their lives they choose.
  • Discovering new podcast episodes and music playlists while enjoying a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

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