ជំរាបសួរ, I’m Huyly (Huilee). I am a Storytelling & Communications Officer at Impact Hub Phnom Penh, where my mission is to showcase the amazing work of our team and community by telling their impactful story, introduce new audiences to what we do, and produce useful and inspiring content with inspiring messages! Before joining Impact Hub Phnom Penh, I worked as a marketing and branding specialist in the corporate space. My passion is about marketing and communications strategy. Beyond just design or photography — things I love too! — I love looking at the bigger picture and then developing creative approaches to bringing the vision to life.
- I’m so excited when I have a creative idea and then I get to work to make it happen. It’s the amazing feeling of having a big idea and then actually seeing it come to life!
- Recently, I became interested in social behavior change communications and am eager to learn more about it.
- I try to spend at least 10 minutes a day reading books, journaling, and going out to grab some matcha flavored ice cream 🍦