I started my job as engineer and project manager at a small solar international company before becoming an entrepreneur solving the food waste problem (and now it’s already been over 4 years running my own social enterprise!). From being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur, I gained a lot of life lessons and growth at the same time. My mission now is to pass it on, and tell anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur and solve a social or environmental issue: you’re doing a great job! Because I personally know how hard the entrepreneur journey is, I’m dedicated to making other entrepreneurs’ journeys a bit easier in my role as lead mentor at Impact Hub Phnom Penh.

  • I love listening to entrepreneurs’ stories and challenges — it all feels very relatable to me!
  • I want to share my experience and knowledge to other aspiring and growing entrepreneurs and make sure that they don’t need to go through unnecessary challenges
  • I’m curious to learn more about agriculture including data and new tech practices

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