Hi, I’m Annika! 👋 I’m passionate about building the right programs and systems to accelerate social and environmental impact. I’m a strategist and implementor with experience in organizational development, program management, and communications in the nonprofit sector. At Impact Hub Phnom Penh, my mission is to make our entrepreneurship and youth development programs the best they can be, while helping our team thrive and our organization grow even stronger. I love connecting dots between people, places, and issues — something I’ve gotten to do in my career spanning entrepreneurship, youth leadership development, adolescent health, climate action, food systems transformation, and more. Places I call home include Cambodia, Madagascar, and the Northeast United States.

  • Figuring out how to “make it happen” — in other words, how to turn amazing big ideas into real impact
  • Making cities more inclusive and sustainable, while ensuring rural communities also aren’t left out in rapidly urbanizing economies
  • Trying out new cake and cookie recipes (luckily, we have many team birthdays and celebrations that must be well-supplied!)

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