Our partners

Over the years, we’ve worked with dozens of diverse public, private, and philanthropic partners.

We wouldn’t be here without incredible partners that share our values and vision.

Their technical support and funding for our programs allow us to provide tangible value to social entrepreneurs and youth leaders in Cambodia, and take on the big challenges of our time.

A Few of our Institutional Partners

Together, we deliver hands-on programs for impact makers across Cambodia to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

A Few of our University Partners

We have trained hundreds of educators and students at universities across the country in social entrepreneurship, and are working to mainstream our blended learning course in university settings.

“It’s our great pleasure to partner with Impact Hub Phnom Penh. They have empowered young talented people to lead the NOW-Us! Awards project which increases visibility and recognition of how we promote social inclusion and diversity. They always come up with new initiative ideas for outreach activities, inclusive bootcamps, and organizing vibrant pitching events. I enjoyed working with them and learned a lot from their innovative ideas.”

Sokha Srey, Voice Grant/Partnership Specialist, Oxfam Cambodia

A Few of our Government Partners

We have long-term strategic partnerships with government Ministries and entrepreneurship innovation centers.

A Few of our Learning & Strategy Partners

Whether through membership in global networks, exchange of best practices, or collaboration in curriculum design, we have valued our partnerships with these local, regional, and global thought leaders.

11 entrepreneurs, staff of Impact Hub Phnom Penh, and farmers pose for a group photo in front of a greenhouse in rural Cambodia.

Collaborate with us

Partnership is at the heart of everything we do. There is no better time to support social innovation in Cambodia. Working with our partners to support groundbreaking local impact makers, we’re facilitating solutions to Cambodia’s greatest social and economic challenges.

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