Our community

We have supported over 500 social impact enterprises and startup teams in Cambodia through our programs — a vibrant network that only continues to grow.

Meet some of our inspiring alumni

They have gone through our support programs at some point in their journey — receiving mentorship, peer community, capacity-building, and other support to grow their ideas. These ideas have taken root and grown into mission-driven startups, SMEs, influential content platforms, NGOs, and grassroots initiatives.

These impact makers need champions like you!

Support them by discovering their stories, following them online, partnering with them, buying their products or services, and recommending them to others.

“Impact Hub is a place that sprouts my ideas from impossible to possible, a place that recognizes my crazy ideas and is willing to listen to whatever I bring up without any judgment. They guide me, connect me to useful resources and networks, and kill my fear in public speaking. People at Impact Hub are like my second family who always put a lot of trust and confidence in me before I do for myself. You are the energy that boosts me when I want to give up.”

Tim Den – Founder of D’Fresh Grocery

Supporting program alumni through our Hub Entrepreneurs Club (HEC)


Community Events

We organize regular networking events, free and paid mentorship sessions, and educational and community-building workshops.



We share information about and recommend our alumni to relevant grants, competitions, and other programs that we come across.


Brand Visibility

Through our media and and other connections, we help our HEC members increase their visibility and attract attention from potential investors, customers, and collaborators.


Supportive Network

Our entrepreneurs are always part of the Impact Hub Phnom Penh family. We facilitate connections and peer-to-peer support between like-minded impact makers within the HEC.

Around five entrepreneurs sit on mats on the ground talking.
Around 15 alumni entrepreneurs of Impact Hub Phnom Penh stand in a large circle outside. It's a zoomed out photo with a campsite and mountains seen in the background.
An Impact Hub Phnom Penh mentor sits on the floor with two entrepreneurs in rural Cambodia leaning over a laptop and pointing.
A small group of content creators and Impact Hub staff sit on a staircase smiling and posing for a photo after a media4impact event.

Activating a wide network of mentors

Tailored and one-on-one mentoring is a key feature of many of our programs. We have collaborated with hundreds of mentors over the years — connecting their skills, experience, and networks with our entrepreneurs on topics such as marketing, business modeling, tech, data, leadership, human resources, sales, and much more!


If you would like to contribute your expertise to our programs at Impact Hub Phnom Penh — as a mentor, trainer, or other expert advisor — please get in touch!

Join our Community

Explore our current and upcoming programs and see if any would be a good fit! We regularly open applications for programs across a range of issue areas, for ventures at various stages of growth.

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