Kosoma Kim

Chief Operating Officer

Abit about me:

I strongly believe in the power of collaboration. For the past eight years (and counting!),  I’ve worked with a team to empower Cambodia’s younger generation, contributing to the growth of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country. Engaging directly with students, young professionals, and aspiring entrepreneurs, I ensure they access high-quality entrepreneurship education and opportunities to test their ideas.

Believing in youth, their dreams, and their ideas, I aim to support them in testing their concepts together. We can only learn more and more from living life as the prototype. Failing shouldn’t halt us but instead serve as a reason to adjust until it feels right.

My role at Impact Hub Phnom Penh is to ensure we don’t work alone but gather people and partners to achieve dreams bigger than ourselves. 

How can I help you?

  • Empowering youth and entrepreneurs by fostering entrepreneurship discovery, igniting potential, and developing skills. I’m also passionate about women’s empowerment — let’s ensure women and youth in Cambodia have the opportunity and support to succeed. 
  • I’m a budding interior design enthusiast. I love DIY projects and renovating old spaces to bring new life to them! Embracing imperfection and impermanence, following the core idea of wabi-sabi, resonates with me.
  • I used to think I only loved dogs, but now I adore cats too. Similarly, while I used to drink only tea, I now enjoy coffee every morning. I’ve learned that if we have the courage to try new things, we also have the courage to love wholeheartedly. Love is unlimited, and we should embrace it fully.
  • My favorite saying is by Thomas S. Monson: “Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.”
  • I practice curiosity, love, kindness, and humility in my way of living.

Contact me

Email: [email protected]
Linkedin: @kosomakim
Messenger: @kosomakumiko

“The biggest risk in life is to risk nothing at all”