Who is it for?

The program targets innovative players working in the climate-resilient agriculture value chain (i.e., agri-startups, SMEs in agriculture, and agricultural cooperatives).

There are two types of agri-businesses that are eligible for the program:

Primary agriculture businesses

Startups working directly with smallholder farmers in the value chain segments of production, processing, and trade (domestic or import/export).

Support/enabler businesses

Service providers to smallholder farmers in the value chain segments of input supplies, soil development, renewable energy, water management solutions, agro-tourism, and AgriTech.

Khmer Agriculture for the Future Incubator is looking for impactful projects or startups with the following criteria:

  • The venture must be in the early operational stage (have generated sales and some form of market traction for their product/service but may not yet be sustainably profitable).
  • There should be an existing team of full-time staff or have a plan to move to full-time operations for the venture within 3-6 months during the program.
  • Teams must demonstrate commitment to work in one of the program’s 4 target areas of Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, and Preah Vihear (either existing or in the roadmap).
  • Participants must be committed to implementing relevant climate-resilient agriculture/agroecological practices and participating actively in the program from August 2023 to May 2024.

Program Journey

Khmer Agriculture for the Future Incubator is a program implemented under the Nurture Project, aiming to enhance access to products and services that strengthen the climate resilience of smallholder farmers in the 4 target provinces, including Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, and Preah Vihear.

Khmer Agriculture for the Future Incubator is co-funded by Khmer Enterprise (KE), HEKS/EPER, and CARITAS Switzerland with funds from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperations (SDC) and organized by Impact Hub Phnom Penh.


Who can apply for the program?

To be eligible for the Khmer Agriculture for the Future Incubator, the venture must be in the early operational stage (have generated sales and some form of market traction for their product/service but may not yet be sustainably profitable). They should be committed to implementing climate-resilient agricultural practices and expanding their businesses in one of the four provinces of Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, and Preah Vihear. Teams must have representatives of a maximum of two members who will be available to participate fully in the program from August 2023 to May 2024. Please refer to the “Who is it for” section above for more details.

What is the selection process for this program?

In the initial phase of the program, we will choose 12 teams to participate in a two-month Pre-Incubator stage. This selection process involves multiple rounds of screening, shortlisting, and interviews conducted by our selection committee. Following the Pitch Day event, 8 teams will be selected to advance to the Incubator Program. These teams will receive technical assistance and a financial seed fund to invest in their businesses.

Why should I join KAF Incubator instead of other programs?

What sets the Khmer Agriculture for the Future (KAF) Incubator apart is its specialized focus on climate-resilient startups in Cambodia’s agricultural sector. Unlike other programs, KAF offers equity-free funding, personalized support, and strong networking opportunities. It is an ideal choice for entrepreneurs aiming to promote sustainability and benefit smallholder farmers while retaining full ownership of their ventures. Joining KAF Incubator provides a distinct advantage for making a meaningful difference in Cambodia’s agricultural landscape.

How long will I have to commit to the program?

The program starts from September 2023 to May 2024. However, the intensity of the program varies, and the mentoring sessions are at flexible hours that fit your schedule. We expect an average commitment of around 2h/every week. Key dates when you must be present:

  • Bootcamp (in Battambang): 30th Sep and 1st Oct 2023
  • 1-1 mentoring session (online) with your mentor every 2 weeks, scheduled at your preferred time 
  • Pitch Day (in Battambang): 24th Nov 2023
  • Field Trip (in the province): 17th – 18th Feb 2023
  • Weekly 2-hr Online Masterclasses (6 times)
  • Demo Day (in Battambang): 31st May 2024

Where and when will the program take place?

Bootcamp, Pitch Day, and Demo Day will happen in Battambang province

  • Bootcamp: 30th Sep – 1st Oct 2023
  • Pitch Day: 24th Nov 2023
  • Demo Day: 31st May 2024

The 1-1 mentoring program and the Masterclasses will take place online between December 2023 – May 2024.

All the travel expenses for teams based outside of Phnom Penh will be covered by the program.

What are the benefits of participating in the program?

Please refer to the “What does the program offer” section above.

If I have just an idea, can I still apply?

Unfortunately no. You must have a business at an early operational stage that has already generated sales and some form of market traction for your product/service with adequate staffing (at least 1 full-time).

My business is already very profitable, and I am looking for investment and to scale my business. Is this program a fit for me?

No, this is an incubation program for early operational businesses that are selling their product already but are still struggling to be profitable. If you are specifically looking for investment opportunities and you are at the growth stage (more than 15 team members), we recommend you apply to the Accelerator program that will happen in July 2024.

I currently have my operations in Phnom Penh and in Siem Reap, can I still apply to this program?

You can only apply if you are already or planning to source, sell, or implement your services or products in one of the following target areas: Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, and Preah Vihear.

If I don’t speak English, will it be a problem for me to join the program?

You don’t need to speak English for the program, as it will be all in Khmer. 

How many team members should join the program?

We recommend having a maximum of 2 team members who will be available to join all the program activities.

If you have any questions or need some support, don’t hesitate to contact us:


Telegram: +85569676650