
Logo of Dosslarb

Dosslarb is a multimedia platform that promotes the well-being of young Cambodians by discussing sexual and reproductive health. This project hopes to encourage young people to understand sex education.


Logo of Zerow

ZEROW is a green platform raising environmental awareness in Cambodia. Zerow is fostering a community to make it easy for this generation to be informed, be inspired, and become zero-wasters.


Logo of Luybook

LuyBook aims to help young adults learn how to manage their personal finance and invest for future value.

Curiosity (of 606 Digital)

Logo of Curiosity by 606 Digital

“ចង់ដឹង ចង់ឮ – Curiosity” is a mental health podcast by 606 Digital sharing stories and testimonies of young people from Cambodia regarding societal difficulties that women, people of colour, and LGBT people generally endure.

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